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Avalanche dephasing in large Rydberg systems

Engineering complex quantum states requires controlling coherent interactions in many-body systems. Atoms with a highly excited electron, called Rydberg atoms, offer both strong and controllable interactions, due to their giant...

Quanta of vorticity in exciton-polariton superfluids

Quantized vortices are one of the most striking manifestations of superfluidity, such as found in Bose-Einstein condensates. In our work with Alberto Bramati at LKB, we used exciton-polaritons to generate...

Squeezing of light with exciton-polariton interactions

Continuous sources of squeezed light are a notorious challenge for semiconductor systems. One of my early goals has been the demonstration of such squeezed states by exploiting the strong excitonics...

What is an exciton-polariton?

In a semiconductor material, an electronic excitation corresponds to the passage of an electron from the valence band to the conduction band. There is then a free electron and a...


As a hobby, I also enjoy spending some nights under a beautiful dark sky.